Most of the TV shows I've come to know and love are newer. But, every now and then I find myself enjoying a classic. Of those classics, Golden Girls has become one of my all time favorite series.
While Blanche, Dorothy, Sophia, and Rose may have a few years on me, I find myself constantly feeling as though my struggles aren't so uncommon.
The Golden Girls had quite a way of expressing their feelings. They made us laugh, they made us cry and surprisingly enough they made us feel like we could relate. In fact, we can apply their words directly to our educational experiences.
Some of my favorite quotes depict thoughts almost all of us have had throughout our college career. These ladies will have you saying "retweet" or "preach" in response to some of their timeless one-liners.
1. When things get a little stressful...
2. When the professor says that "our next class maybe canceled" due to inclement weather
3. When you finally cut off that guy who has been a little shady
4. When someone asks the professor if they're collecting the assignment you forgot to do
5. When your professor is five minutes into the lecture
6. When your friend shows up to your 8 AM Â after going out the night before
7. When your friends force you to go out after a long day of classes
8. When you overhear someone talking about their pregnancy or STD scare
9. When you pass a test that you were certain you bombed
10. Whenever someone leaves class early
11. When you forget to turn your ringer off during class and you know who calls
12. When you get the study guide for your hardest final
13. When someone steals your research topic
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14. When all of your professors plan tests on the same day
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