In case you're unfamiliar, "BuzzFeed Unsolved" is a hit docuseries that explores cold cases of true crime, as well as supernatural houses and stories. The series is hosted by Ryan and Shane, two charmingly dorky enthusiasts who squabble with each other all while exploring theories surrounding gruesome crimes and paranormal sightings.
My favorite of the seasons are the supernatural ones, in which Ryan (utterly terrified by anything that moves) tries to convince the skeptical Shane that ghosts are real.
That feeling every college student has when trying to convince themselves that finals aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be.
Getting that 4.0 is about as elusive as seeing a ghost in one of these episodes.
Most college students realize they need true religion in their lives at least once in the semester! I've heard many stressed students asking Jesus to take the wheel before walking into the exam room!
When a professor finally reads their own syllabus only to realize that they forgot to assign quizzes and classwork, so they proceed to dump it all on you with only a few weeks of the semester left!
*laugh through the pain*
When you go to the dorm showers and see suspicious stains and so many clumps of hair that you begin to wonder if they're moving...
When the first page of the exam seems like complete gibberish...
Lastly, the inherent sadness that you will experience when you realize you're one semester closer to having to leave one of the best places on earth!
If you haven't seen "BuzzFeed Unsolved," you definitely have to check it out! After these eight gifs, I think it's clear that Ryan Bergara is my spirit animal, and maybe any college student's at that!