The first month of school has passed, and students all over the country are experiencing late nights, gray hair-inducing stress, and what will someday be their college memories. It doesn't matter what your major is or which college you attend, the first month of school is busy, exciting, and sets the tone for the rest of your semester. Crazy sweaters and big hair aside, here are the 10 signs you're a month into college as told by the Goldbergs.
1. New school year, new you
You've bought the best outfits, you're in new classes, and you are ready to make this semester yours. There is no time like the college years to embrace your new, rad self.
2. You are filled with tons of joy and dreams
You've spent months preparing, shopping, and packing for going to college. You are on your way to your dream career and an exciting new adventure.
3. Wait, me?
Sitting in your new class, and your professor wants everyone to introduce themselves by their name, major, hometown, and fun fact. Now you sit there questioning who you are and what you do with your free time.
4. Post-syllabus week got me like
Syllabus week, the least stressful week you will have in college, is over, and now it seems all of your professors are pilling on all sorts of projects onto you, all of your clubs and RSOs are having meetings, and you are wondering if you will make it out alive.
5. Anywhere is a parking space if you just believe in yourself
There are some days you are running slightly late for class and you cannot find a parking spot anywhere. Sometimes, you may just need to improvise.
5. What?
A few weeks into your classes, everything has gone from 0 to 60. You are wondering what is happening and what your professor is even talking about.
7. When you have several tests, projects, and writing assignments due in one week
One month in at college means you will have quite a few tests and projects due all in one week. You're not sure if professors are all working together to make your week stressful or if it was poor planning on your part.
8. So close, but not close enough
You keep thinking, "once I get through this next day or week, things will become easier." You've been saying that since week 2. When is Thanksgiving Break again?
9. That costs what?
Whether it is the price of books or your next meal, you realize how expensive everything is. You try to tell yourself not to go out as much or to cut down on eating out, but it seems like your inner accountant isn't loud enough when you are invited to do things.
10. How did this month go by so quickly?
Through all the ups and downs of college, you really aren't sure how this first month went by so quickly, but you are excited/terrified to see what waiting for you next!
The first month of college is finished; only three more months to go until winter break. Through it all, this month has helped you develop as a college student and as a person. Here's to the rest the semester and making sure you survive!