A new semester brings forth a new swing of events and a totally new you! This semester marks the beginning of my senior year of college and many thoughts tend to arise in my mind. Thoughts like "Have I done all that I aspired to complete prior to graduating and what have I learned thus far?" Honestly, everything that you learn in college cannot be summed up in a few words because the cycle keeps on going and going.
As a matter of fact, my experiences with college have taught me a lot of life and how we learn more from others. Socializing is a major facet of college and will continue to remain so after graduation. Being introduced to a vast array of intellectual ideas from professors and fellow classmates will enable you to think outside the box at various times. I feel privileged to have been able to experience all this and still am. Learning is what completes me as a person and every day is a learning experience for everyone. I cannot fathom what the world would be like if we were not constantly participating in the active process of learning. Also, learning is a multidimensional aspect of life.
In other words, interacting with others continuously fosters our learning capabilities and makes us more aware of our surroundings. This awareness is what governs our learning both inside and outside the classroom. After all, we have spent more than half of our lives in classrooms ever since we were born. It is funny where our prospective career goals take us and how we may never completely know how long it will take us to reach our destination.
I guess life after college will be riveting in a way because that's where our careers will branch out and extend towards creating the person we have always dreamed of becoming. So let's always strive to relish the flow of things and keep our desires glowing in our hearts and minds.