As the end of my first semester of college rapidly approaches, I've found that I'm constantly motivating myself. Although some days it doesn't always work as I'd hope, I try to remind myself every day to stay positive and work through any tough situation with patience and positivity. I reassure myself that this is a great thing, learning how to balance every aspect in my life without breaking down and giving up. I suppose it's all a part of growing up, right?
Here's a list of things that I continue to remind myself:
1. You will not achieve anything in life without determination.
I've always struggled with finishing out strong with what I've started, which is a major flaw of mine that I've learned to accept and improve on. I often use the quote, "If you think about giving up, remember why you started," or I ask myself "How bad do you want it?" If you realize you're stuck and aren't sure about how to take the next step, don't be afraid to get help in order to finish the task. Keep your eye on any goal you set for yourself, don't procrastinate and be prideful when you achieve it!
2. Set Your Standards High.
This goes from setting high goals to establishing relationships. I've recently found myself asking "What if i'm asking too much of him?" or,"I'm not sure I'm good enough, smart enough, or strong enough." No. Just no. DO NOT sell yourself short for anyone or anything in life. If you want it bad enough, you got it. If someone isn't treating you the way you deserve, know your self worth and leave it. It's as simple as that.
3. Smile Anyways.
You will cross paths with so many people in your life who won't like you, who will judge you, who will seek to bring you down in order to lift themselves up... WHO CARES. Do everything you do with confidence and passion and you will go so much farther than the person judging you. I've had so many comments thrown at me that didn't make me feel great, but I smiled anyways because I no longer value their opinion. When I'm unhappy with myself I think, "Tomorrow is a new day" and be better than who I was the previous day. You're only human, perfection should not be a goal.
4. Your Life Is Not In Your Hands.
I used to have the mindset that I controlled everything in my life, and that every decision I made was life altering. I guess this is all based on your belief, but it's almost a relief to me to know that my life is already planned out for me and I'm just living it. It sounds so cliché, but absolutely everything happens for a reason, a good reason. Things will fall in to place exactly how they should, this is why you simply cannot let things defeat you! Also, don't compare yourself to others because they have a completely different path than you do. Life is full of so many ups and downs, but live in the moment and enjoy every second of it.
5. Take Every Opportunity.
I cannot stress enough how important this is. There are so many things that I've gotten involved in just because I said, "Why not?" and I could not imagine NOT doing it. For example, this year Greek life was a big one. I wasn't sure if it was for me, and now I couldn't see myself living without all of my sisters by my side. Don't hold back when it comes to trying new things because you will make so many unforgettable memories, and learn so much about yourself in the process!
"Every affliction serves a purpose in which results in a positive outcome"