Air freshener: Your room will smell sometimes, mine smells because of the carpet, so it is nice to have air freshener to make the room smell better and cleaner.
Bathrobe: Some people are comfortable walking down the hall in just a towel, but I think a bathrobe is a lot better. It covers more and you can put your room key in your pocket and not have to worry about losing it.
Curtains: Very useful to put in front of your closet door, especially if you have lots of clutter, it hides it all and makes the room look more organized.
Detergent: It is crucial you bring this because you will have laundry, and you don’t want to be the person to borrow from someone else.
Erasers: To erase all the mistakes you will make, but don’t worry.
Flip flops: Very important to have flip flops for the shower so you don’t get a foot fungus. Showering without shoes on in a dorm bathroom is gross!
Glasses: Whether it be regular glasses or sunglasses, you will need them for days at the beach if you are close to one like I am.
Headphones: Some days you just want to listen to music, but your roommate is doing homework, headphones are the perfect solution to keep everyone happy.
Ibuprofen: You will get headaches more than you want to, especially after a long night or a bad day. Having some medicine will help you avoid having to nap off the rest of your day instead of hanging out with your friends.
Jacket: It gets very cold in the winter, especially if you are in Maine like me, so a jacket is a necessity.
Keurig: Crucial if you are a coffee drinker, unlike me, but I still like my occasional hot chocolate, also great for tea.
Laptop: This is one of the most essential supplies you will need, I use mine everyday to write papers, check email, and hand in assignments. It is also very essential if you take an online class.
Mirror: Not all rooms come with mirrors, and is it crucial to have one so you don’t leave your room not knowing what you look like.
Notebooks: I use one for every class to keep my notes organized and handwritten notes are easier to study than reading notes from a laptop.
Oreos: These are the best cookies and it’s nice to keep them to have a nice snack once in a while.
Pictures: Lots of pictures will keep you from being homesick and remind you of all your friends and family. They make your room look better and more homey and gets rid of the boring white walls.
Q-tips: This helps with removing makeup, as well as keeping your ears clean! Most people don’t think to bring them but I use them daily.
Risers: Bed risers make it so your bed is higher off the floor and gives you more space to store stuff under the bed.
Soap: Both dish soap and body soap will be crucial, you need it to keep yourself clean, as well as your utensils and plates.
Toothbrush: Don’t forget one of the most important things! You need to have clean teeth to have a nice smile :)
Utensils: If you eat in your room, you will need plastic or regular utensils for your mac and cheese, ramen, or ice cream.
Vacuum: Your floor gets very messy and after a while you get sick of cleaning it with your bare hands, this was a very good addition for me, it was cheap and easy to store if you get the right size.
Wristlet: When you go out with friends to go shopping or dinner, a big purse can get in the way so a little wristlet can be easy to carry and keep all your money in one place.
Xmas decorations: Even though most students are home during Christmas, it is nice to have some decorations for the holidays to get you excited and make your room happy.
Yellow highlighters: Highlighters can make studying a little more fun by including colors.
Ziploc bags: You pack a lot of snacks throughout the day when you have class, so ziploc bags are essential to keep them from spilling everywhere.