No one wants to think about it, but the fact of the matter is, summer is almost over. While it's tempting to deny this, there's no point in pretending that summer will last forever, then jolting back to the reality of classes, studying, and tests at the end of August. Instead, here are some things to keep in mind as these sunny days draw to a close:
1. Don't keep putting things off.
Go on that road trip. Buy that swimsuit you look at every time you go to the mall. Text that cute person you met at that party and ask if they want to get coffee. Don't let the opportunity pass you by.
2. Finish your summer bucket list.
Want to go night swimming? Find a beach or a pool that allows it. Want to watch the sunrise? Get to bed early and set your alarm for 5 am.
3. Keep working hard at your internship or job.
Don't use the final days of summer as an excuse to start slacking. Remember that after graduation, when working a "real" job, the workload will probably be consistent year-round.
4. Start planning your packing for going back to school...
Write a list of everything you need to take with you. Get your suitcases out of storage. If you're moving into an apartment, figure out if you can fit everything in your car, or if you'll need to rent a U-Haul.
5. ... and start planning for classes.
Get your notebooks before the selection at Staples and Office Depot get picked over, pick out a planner and calendar, and see if your professors have listed the required textbooks online. Make sure you have pencils, pens, highlighters, and whatever else you need to take notes and study.
6. Make sure you've paid your tuition!
Your school will probably send out a reminder, but make sure that you've made all your necessary tuition payments before going back to school.
7. Make sure to spend time with your parents before you head back to school...
They're going to miss you when you're gone!
8. ... and make sure to spend time with your friends before they go back too.
Make sure you don't miss out on saying goodbye!
No one likes that summer is coming to an end, but no one can do anything to stop it. So, finish up everything you wanted to do this summer and get ready to go back to school, because you got this.