College is or has been a wonderful experience for many of us, full of learning, meeting new people and having new experiences. Throughout all of our ups and downs, I think that we can all agree that college students all share a certain bond. A bond of constant struggle. New Girl is one show that seems to hit on the many different ways all college students have felt in one way or another. Here are ten quotes that perfectly describe the thoughts of the average college student.
1. "I’m not convinced I know how to read. I’ve just memorized a lot of words." -Schmidt
2. "I haven’t done laundry in five months." -Schmidt
3. "Schmidt happens." -Schmidt
4. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably." -Schmidt
5. "We don’t need to have it figured out right now, Our moments will come." -Winston
6. "I don’t know how to read a ruler". -Winston
7. "Saturday is a day for sleeping, and dammit, you will not take that away from me." -Winston
8. "Oh my gosh. Look it’s food. I love food." -Jess
10. "I am not happy. I am poor. And I’m living in a filthy thimble." -Nick