Time is of the essence in college, so it's important to be efficient.
Begin studying ahead of time.
Unless you have lived under a rock or have never been to school in your life, you have most likely heard this before. But seriously, it will help you.
Take advantage of the study resources your college has to offer.
I recently wrote a blog on study resources for Auburn University, so if you attend another school, I encourage you to look into what your university has to offer.
Rewrite your lecture notes.
Re-writing your notes forces you to review the material covered in class, as well as focusing on what you're writing. Even if you take electronic notes, try writing them out at least once. Studies have shown that students who write out their notes retain information better than students who type out their notes.
Explore your learning style and utilize it.
There are four different learning styles: auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. Take an online quiz to determine which one fits you best and begin studying in ways that are most effective for your personal learning type.
Change your environment.
Find out what environment works best for you. Do you prefer silence? Study in the library. Like background noise? Go to a coffee shop. Also, determine whether you enjoy studying alone or in groups. Sometimes, both can be helpful. I find that I am more productive when studying alone, but I can also receive help for complicated subjects when studying in groups.
One word: Quizlet.
Chances are, you're on your phone all the time. To be productive, download the Quizlet app and study while you're on the go.
Take breaks.
Your mind needs frequent breaks when studying or you will wear yourself out and thus become less productive. Just try to stay off of your phone and don't get too distracted.
Happy studying!