Growing up, Christmas wish lists consisted of the hottest new toys from Toys R Us. Now that we're college students, its hard to get creative with gift ideas.
Family and friends, having a hard time deciding what to get your college student? Here are some ideas of things we need and actually want too.
Warm Socks
We will be eternally grateful.
Amazon Prime Membership
Sometimes ordering online saves a lot of time and money rather than going out and buying it. And as college students, we don't have enough time between classes and school work. The two day shipping is also a great bonus, and Amazon offers 50% to students if you sign up with a university email.
Box of Goodies
Exam week can be tough on the body and the brain, so it's really comforting to receive a stack of cookies, hot cocoa mix and other seasonal goodies. Goodies are even more appreciated if they're Grandma's recipe.
Access to your Netflix Account
I mean, really how great of an idea is this?! No need to worry about paying anything, just send over the password and we will try our best not to binge watch too much on your account.
A Good Pair of Boots
Whether they are more functional or fashionable, boots are going to come in handy. They are best paired with the fuzzy socks...
Visa Gift Card
Money is tight, especially if you are paying to go a prestigious college and living on campus. Sometimes, having some fun money for those week nights that you actually can hang out with friends can be nice - maybe going out to the movies or getting a bite to eat. Visa gift cards make good stocking stuffers and are more convenient then trying to fit a job into a full-time student's schedule.
Just some holiday gift ideas for the college student in your life! We don't ask for anything fancy or expensive - usually - we are just looking for the support we need to succeed, and the bare necessities. Sometimes what it comes down to is a personalized gift from you.
Happy Holidays!