Dear all you emotionally unstable college students.
From one emotional student to another, just admit it. We all know the feeling. We know all too well the deep anxiety in our chest, the feeling of just making it, the sleepless nights cramming for our tests, break down after break down.
We all miss our lives before we decided we were all going to jump into deep water headfirst hoping to come out alive. It is tough. I can preach about it.
I have struggled with school since I can remember.
Imagine this feeling. You walk into class on test day. You feel 100% confident in what you're doing. You sit down at your desk & boom it's gone: all your hard work, all your hours of studying, all the notes, GONE. You sit there anxiously while your chest begins to close up. You feel so upset & then comes the grade. Lower than what you asked for. Lower than what your confidence thought it would be. We have all been there.
We are guilty of feeling unworthy, not good enough, over exhausted, etc. For students not working, you begin to miss your jobs & the money you made. You just get by on bills, insurance, food. We as young adults struggle, & with that, we have all considered how hard life would be without a college education.
I get it college students. So many tears are just flowing. Your heart is just breaking at the thought of "maybe this isn't what I am supposed to do" even if it is your dream. The thought that you might be seen as a failure, or be judged, or a disappointment runs rampant through your already overstressed mind.
I've been there. I've struggled myself into a depression. No matter how hard I worked, I never caught a break. I am an extremely tired college student who does entirely way too much to get negative results back. At first I believed no one understood but I am not alone.
To my fellow strugglers, don't give up quite yet. Remember there are people there for you. School will be hard but you have to stick it out. A professor told me "I had a ton of bad grades & didn't think school was for me but here I am doing what I love." One day when you get your diploma in your hand, it'll be worth every minute of school. You will look back & be so thankful that you pushed through school. One day you will go to sleep in your own house with the love of your life & understand why God made college so difficult.
Just remember a piece of paper with a letter on it doesn't make you any less of a person. Keep being the greatest you can be.