Many people enter college with the same mindset. I am going to focus super hard on my studies because tuition is very expensive. Now, this is not wrong because academics are very important, but there is so much more to college than just academics. What about all of the different clubs and activities that you can take part in?
If your friend asks you to join a club with them, say yes!
If you think you want to try out theater, say yes!
If your friends want to explore a nearby city or try out a new restaurant, say yes!
If your teacher suggests you give this fun class a try, say yes!
If you get the chance to study abroad, say yes!
Now I could go on and on, but my point is this. College is only four or so years of your life, and you need to be making the most of it. Straight A's are important, and there is, of course, lots of time that you will be spending studying but take the opportunity that college gives you and run with it. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things out. To be completely honest, those six all-nighters you pulled to get your homework done won't matter. It is going to be all of the memories you made with your friends and all of the new experiences you had that you will really remember most. So, study hard but make the most of college too.