If you're anything like me going to class is torture. Half the time you show up and everything the professor says goes in one ear and out the other, so why even go? Well, here's some good excuses next time someone tells you that you should go to class more often.
1. There's nowhere to park.
As bad as it may sound, this is my most common reason for not going to class. I refuse to park my car a mile away from where my class is and walk. I just won't do it.
2. I have work to do for another class.
Yeah... Okay... I'm sure sometimes this is true.
3. I stayed up all night studying...
and by studying I mean watching two full seasons of "The Office", but honestly who can blame me. The show is comedic gold... Now, to catch up on my sleep for tonight!
4. It's raining.
If it's raining there's a pretty good chance I won't leave my house, because as I previously mentioned, there's nowhere to park and who really wants to walk a mile in the rain? Not me.
5. It's Friday.
I do not understand who decided it was okay to have classes on Friday. Thirsty Thursday was last night. I mean, come on.
6. I need a nap.
This is honestly my most common excuse because it's the most believable. Everyone knows after a full day of not going to class and "studying" you're going to be exhausted.
7. The professor doesn't take attendance.
If I sit down on syllabus day and my professor says attendance isn't mandatory I can guarantee I won't step foot in that room until test day.
8. I have gone to this class every day for the past week.
The little victories need to be celebrated. Reward yourself.
9. It's Monday.
Who honestly wants to get out of bed on a Monday and sit in a 9 a.m. Chemistry class? No one, that's who.
Surely there are more reasons to think of, but honestly, these are just the ones I've used this week.