I entered college with the mindset of going to every single class, doing my homework in advance, and getting straight A's. I am now in my junior year and have a completely different perspective on it.
While obviously, you are paying for your classes, and therefore it would be smart to attend every single one and absorb all the information you possibly can, it is important to step away from the daily classes and academic life to take time for yourself.
The first semester of my sophomore year I got an internship on top of my job, personal training, clubs, and academics. I figured it would be good to overwork myself and fill my time with academics and things that would help project my career forward. While it was great, it was also exhausting and going seven days a week of non-stop go, go, go, made me want to rip my head off. I didn't have time for my friends, family, or even time to myself.
I was relieved when the semester ended just because everything seemed to stop. I traded the job I loathed for a calmer, healthier profession, and my internship ended. I got four weeks off of classes and continually writing lackluster essays, and was able to literally just relax in the cinnamon spice candles of my home where the only other noise was the Netflix shows I was binging.
I realized then, that living a life of getting straight A's, working, having an internship, and getting things done in advance, just isn't practical. It's also harmful. I was running around with my head chopped off, looking at the future and what I had to do instead of enjoying and appreciating what I was currently doing at the moment.
So here it is, my junior year. I miss some classes to hang out with my friends or to just enjoy my cup of coffee a little bit longer. I love waking up in the mornings to the chill air flowing through the room, the scent of the fresh apple orchard candles, and the energy of coffee between my fingers in my favorite mug. If I miss class one day, who will it hurt? Nobody.
I go out with my friends and chat for hours while eating Chick-Fil-A even when I have an essay due that week. I no longer stress that I need to get things done in advance; I just take it all one day at a time.
You want to enjoy and remember your college years. You can't do that while running around, jumping from one thing to the next. If you play life like that then you'll miss all the joy and wonder that God has built just for us.
So skip class, get a B on your paper, curl up under the covers and read a book, go to a random coffee shop to write, try a new sport, have long and deep conversations with your friends. It won't hurt you by a lot. Trade the memories of sitting in class for an hour for memories that will last a lifetime.
Don't flip the photo book to find your college years kept blank.