A College Student's Netflix Go-To Guide
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A College Student's Netflix Go-To Guide

When you are a college student, time to watch Netflix is a precious thing to have.

A College Student's Netflix Go-To Guide
Cherine Chng

A dog is a man’s best friend, but Netflix is a college student’s best friend. We are poor college students, so it is highly likely that we are using our parent’s Netflix account or the account from our friend’s family. When you need a study break, go to Netflix. You have nothing to do? Go to Netflix. For the times when you are procrastinating, you are most likely watching Netflix. Your friends are asking you to go to a party or campus event, but you'd rather remain in your bed and be entertained by Netflix. During the sleepless nights, Netflix is there to help. A couple of students would rather watch Netflix than football. Around here, Netflix is king. A minority of students spend more time with school-related tasks than watching Netflix while the majority is focusing more on watching Netflix. Thank you for the times when school is out. Now, you have to fill in the gaps of extra time. During the school breaks, here are the shows to binge on to occupy your time.

1. "Marvel Extended Universe"

“Agents of Shield," “Daredevil," “Jessica Jones” and “Luke Cage” will keep you glued to the screen for days. If you love the MCU movies, then check out the TV shows because all of it ties in together. The MCU shows display what’s going on while the Avengers are saving the world. The small battles matter in the Marvel universe. You can’t separate any of the shows, so you have to watch all of them. You will enjoy the shows. Hopefully, you watch them all by the time the "Defenders" crossover series is ready for the viewers' eyes.

2. "Pretty Little Liars"

Since the show began, I have been avoiding it. I have always known it was good, but I did not want to experience trying to figure out who “A" is. I began watching the series in November. After seeing the pilot episode, I sold my attention to the Pretty Little Liars. It gives me headaches and causes anger sometimes, but I can’t stop watching it. I just finished season 3. Yes, I know I am behind, but I plan to catch up during the school break. I am thrilled to find out what really happened to Alison. Will “A” ever be stopped?

3. "Arrowverse"

Arrowverse is the shared universe of “Arrow,” “Flash," “Legends of Tomorrow” and the recently added “Supergirl.” Unlike MCU, the Arrowverse is disconnected from the DC Extended Universe, but it still tells the stories of the Green Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, and the others. Counting all the episodes on Netflix, there are 174 episodes. That means, if you watch at least six episodes a day, then you'll catch up in 29 days. The task is doable, especially if you do not have a job. Watching “Arrow,” “Flash,” “Supergirl," and “Legends of Tomorrow” will give you the hours of excitement that you may have been looking for.

4. "Stranger Things"

“Stranger Things” is for the horror lovers. It is new to the scene as it was released in summer 2016. It is still trending on Netflix. I have not watched any episodes, but it is on my list. The show’s name draws attention and makes you wonder what strange things are happening. There are only eight episodes so it can be finished in a day or two.

5. "Gilmore Girls"

If you thought it was over for the girls, then think again. The Gilmore Girls took the spotlight when it released four new episodes, which are about 90 minutes each. After you watch the “A Year in Life” episodes, you can refresh your memory on every Gilmore Girl scene from season one to seven.

6. "Glee"

Glee, which is filled with so many social issues, makes you fel ike you belong with the cast. The characters have precious voices. One of my favorite songs is the mash-up of ”Fly” by Nicki Minaj and Rhianna and “I Believe I Can Fly” by R. Kelly. I am behind on keeping up with the Glee Club. Finishing “Glee” is on my to-do list.

7. "Fuller House"

Yes, the she-wolf pack is back. Creating a sequel to "Full House" was one the best ideas that Netflix created. Growing up, “Full House” was the show to watch before going to bed. It was an exciting moment to see the characters all grown up. Unfortunately, we are missing Michelle Tanner (played by Mary-Kate and Ashley Oslen), but there is still hope that she can make at least one appearance in an episode. If you enjoyed season one, be on the lookout for season two of Fuller House. Netflix is doing a fantastic job at giving back our favorite childhood stars.

8. "Young and Hungry"

Do you remember the name, Emily Osment? Emily Osment is the one who played as Hannah Montana’s sidekick, Lily Trsucott. One of the producers of “Young and Hungry” is Ashley Tisdale, who is most known for her roles in the “High School Musical” films and “The Suite Life of Zach & Cody.” Two Disney Channel stars came together to give us this awesomeness. Seeing Emily Osment’s acting again would be the sole reason to watching “Young and Hungry.”

9. "Once Upon A Time"

Once upon a time, the fairytales became real. What if Rumpelstiltskin was stirring up trouble in your neighborhood? What if you received the chance to team up with Emma swan and Snow White? “Once Upon A Time” gives its viewers many “what if” thoughts. The show captures the fairytales and brings them into your world. Paying attention to the characters can help you notice the characteristic traits of your family and friends. Somebody may remind you of Robin Hood, the Huntsman, or the Evil Queen.

10. "Power Rangers"

After watching all the adult shows, you have to feel like a kid again. "Power Rangers" is the route to go. I have seen every episode up to the Mystic Force Rangers. I am curious to know what today’s rangers are up to. Try starting off with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and work your way to the Dino Super Charge Rangers in action. Who are your favorite Rangers’ groups?

The question is no longer “what’s on TV to watch?” but, what is on Netflix to watch? Netflix serves us well. You can never go wrong with Netlfix, unless your wi-fi loses connection. Netflix is a college student’s best friend. Keep both eyes open for what is coming soon to a Netflix account near you.

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