The other day I heard someone say "the most selfish group of people here on Earth is college students." Well, okay. You're not wrong, sir.. but you may not be right either..
This is probably (more than likely) true. But it could also be wrong. This is also what we've been taught to be. Selfish...It confuses me because as we're growing up we are taught to be selfless. In kindergarten you're taught to share your toys and crayons with everyone, because that's what good little children do. Or when you go to church you're taught to treat others how you would want to be treated. Love others as God loves you. I was brought up in a household that taught me all of these same exact values and morals to live by, and they're not wrong. There are all great things that are taught at a young age that most of us hold on to going into our adulthood.
But the most confusing part is as soon as you hit the age of 18 and you're being shipped off to college, all of what you're taught about being selfless and giving is flipped around. "College is about you, don't worry about anyone or anything else. This is your time to make something of yourself." Hmm. Also true. But, many teenagers look at this the wrong way. They think EVERYTHING is about them. That's where is classification of all college students being selfish comes from.. Is there not a way for us to put ourselves first in that aspect, but also be selfless, giving humans at the same time? It saddens me that people classify college students as selfish. Yeah, we're broke. Maybe we don't have a pop-tart to spare because that's the only thing we have left for breakfast before we get our next pay check... and maybe we don't have time to give a couple of quarters up for donation because those are the quarters we have to use to wash our clothes. But this doesn't mean we can't give ourselves. When I say that I mean give up your time. Be selfless through your actions. Show people that college students can be giving (maybe not in the materialistic aspect of things), but we aren't always all about ourselves. Help someone carry their groceries to their cars, or hold the door for the couple walking into that restaurant behind you.
There are so many little things that classify as "selfless" and "giving" that we don't even think about on the daily. We don't act on them, therefore we are known as the "selfish" ones, and that hurts. Making a change in the world starts with one person at a time. Be that person.
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV).