As any college student can undoubtedly tell you the experience of college life tends to be a lot weirder than previously expected. It would seem that all of your preconceived notions of the college experience are immensely different from the actual experience, or at least mine were. It is said that some of your greatest memories will be created in college, and (so far) that has held true for myself. Below I have compiled a list of my top 10 thoughts on the college experience as explained by Disney memes.
1. The moment I realized that many people don't really see me as an adult, and that it feels like a lot of people just don't listen
2. When I headed into the college bookstore on the first week of my first semester and bought all of the books required for my classes. Then I saw the receipt.
3. Speaking of those books it became quickly obvious that we rarely (if ever) needed them in the actual class.
4. And on the off chance that we actually discussed something in the book, pretty much any summarized cliched answer seemed to work (just like in high school).
5. That feeling when I saw all my friends were in relationships and I was just sitting there like.
6. And every few months I notice a certain recurring trend happening with one of my friends (you know who you are).
7. Not to mention those lovely days when the servers needed maintenance.
8. There has been many an all-nighter pulled (especially during midterms).
9. I still hate 8 a.m. classes no matter what anyone else may tell you.
10. It is almost shameful to say but the love of cringe-worthy puns has grown stronger every day.
I guess overall more than anything what I am trying to say is...