Every person has their own comfort zone, whether you find your comfort in your schedule, places or people.
It's the norm and you love it; everyone does. Yet, the constant norm and routine is something that everyone falls into at some point. Every person sets boundaries and while you need to have boundaries in life, these can limit your experiences and limit your life.
While it's hard to break down your walls and jump into something that you're not used to, it will make you grow. I saw a saying the other day and it made me stop and think, and I truly believe that it applies to everyone. You grow through what you go through. Every day, you grow as a person. The experiences that you have, shape you every day whether you notice it or not, but it's the conscious choices that we make to have the experiences that shape us even further.
I'm sure that most of us have heard the saying, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." While most have heard the saying, how many of us have applied it to our lives? How many times have you as a person challenged your comfort zone? To be spontaneous and adventurous is not an easy feat. While it may be hard to let go and let life happen, the greatest thing that can come from the challenge is self-growth and a whole new outlook on yourself and the world.
College is the time in your life to challenge yourself. Whether that's physically, academically, mentally, anything, it's the time in your life to go outside of your zone and push yourself. It's the one time in your life to focus on yourself and trust me, in four years you're going to grow a lot.
Only two years of college have passed me by and it's taught me more then four years of high school. It's important to go outside of the norm because it's actually pretty amazing what will happen to you.
I told myself that this year, I was going to go outside of my comfort zone and be more adventurous. Since I'm a pretty "play it safe" person, I took the opportunity to study abroad this upcoming summer and I could not be more excited. Yes, the journey will come with new places and things, and sure, it might be scary at first, but it's an amazing experience and I'm going to learn so much about the world and myself.
While stepping outside of my comfort zone may be challenging, the reward will be worth any challenge in front of me.
College is a time that's limited. It's four years that you can devote to yourself and your own growth. Don't live in so much fear and anxiety about what's going to happen in the future, but rather enjoy the here and now.
Do something adventurous. You wont regret it, I promise.