After, a few months into college every student learns new things about themselves. You've probably noticed some of the guilty habits you've developed by now. You have probably learned new life hacks, made more excuses, and ate much unhealthier than usual. Now, more than ever we, as college students have made a complete 360 on who we are as students from the past. College is stressful, college is for new experiences, and college is for learning how to be on your own. College may or may not have changed you, but let's be honest we can all admit to the following twenty-seven things...
2. Adding ramen to your daily diet
Ramen all day, everyday.
4. Wearing the same outfit two days in a row with the excuse of, "The same people won't see me".
I cannot argue with this point!
6. Socializing at the library instead of studying
If all of your best buddies and classmates are in the same room, it is inevitable to not socialize!
7. Falling asleep in class and then pretending like you know what is going on in lecture
Participation points are key and so is making it till you fake it.
8. Being late to class, because you were using the elevator instead of the stairs
We walk enough and then they expect us to walk up two flights of stairs.
Coming. To. Class. Out. Of. Breath.
10. Blaming technology for tuning an assignment in on late
We all have made this excuse once or another time in our college career.
11. Online shopping in class for literally anything from Korean face masks to tiny sunnies.
College students are broke, so our shopping cart stays full and our wallet stays empty.
12. Skipping class due to the effects from the night before
Self-explanatory college student guilty moment.
13.Finding numerous ways to finesse laundry coin machines
We all know the coin hack by now.
14. Saying "awwww" every time you see a pet on campus
Okay, but they are so cute.
Please do not pet unless you are given permission by the owner!
15. Pretending to look busy when the professor is trying to randomly select a student to call on
Please please, please not me!
16. Making at least one reliable friend in each class to help you with assignments, but never emebring their name
Contact Name: Guy from English 101 that always wears a hat
17. Going out to eat and getting food delivered when you have numerous meal swipes left
Dining halls are a no-go and it's so much more convenient when it comes to you.
18. Doing the bare minimum and then rewarding yourself...For no reasonÂ
You deserve that nap and a "Stranger Things" Marathon.
19. Ignoring the gym because you felt you walked enough on campus to suffice you a lifetime
This was enough exercise, right?
20. Going to events just to wear that perfect outfit
Students wear casual clothes 24/5 days a week. So, we are allowed to dress nice every once a while and switch-up our look.
21. Spending way to much time on social mediaÂ
It's so easy to get distracted by social media when doing literally anything,
22. Parking in a spot that you know may risk you a parking ticket
"I hope I don't get a ticket".
23. Not looking at the weather before class
Every, Single. Time.
Be prepared by writing a note to remind you on your desk!
24. Not calling your family and friends from back home enough to remind them how much they mean to you
We think it all the time, but saying it makes your loved ones feel special. College gets busy, but remember who is rooting for you away from school.
25. Reorganizing your dorm room to avoid homework and respobsibilites
I don't know whats worse; a dirty room or not doing homework.
26. When your professor allows for a cheat sheet on the exam and you write in the tiniest font possible
Downfall: Later not being able to read what you wrote.
27. Not taking enough care of their mental, physical, and emotional healthÂ
So, so, so important to take care of yourself!