As March comes around, Spring Break is the only thought that consumes college students brains everywhere. Each year thousands upon thousands of students migrate to a warm beach to get away from the stress of college and responsibilities. Students are ESPECIALLY excited for spring break if they live in a region that's been covered in ice, snow, and brisk winds all winter. We're all craving that one week break of no worries, a lot of sun, and memories that will last a lifetime. Here are a few guidelines for you college students traveling somewhere this Spring Break.
1. Stay hydrated!
It sounds small, but chances are if you're drinking all day in strong heat then you're bound to have a bad outcome. Water is your key to success in this aspect, so remember to fill up on some quality H2O as you're going through each day.
2. Bring sunblock & actually re-apply.
You may be young now and think you don't have to worry about skin cancer, sun damage, or wrinkles but I promise in 10-15 years your skin will be THANKING you for giving it some love in your prime.
3. Stay with your group.
Never go off alone in a place you're not familiar with, especially if you've been drinking! Safety is important and taking the right precautions are unfortunately necessary in light of current times. So be smart and stay together.
It's never okay to put your life and others live's on the line because of your reckless decisions. If you've noticed a theme so far, it's called being smart. Too many lives are lost each year due to drunk driving. You have your whole future ahead of you, so call an uber and save a life.
5. Invest in a portable charger.
Believe me, you'll need one in case your phone dies and you need to call one of your friends, that uber, or just for the trendy beach pictures, you'll be taking.
6. Create a code word with your friends.
If you're placed in an uncomfortable situation create a word that will slyly let your friends know that you're not vibing where you're at. Spring break is supposed to be fun, not uncomfortable.
7. Check in with your parents once in a while.
I know your parents may be the last thing you're thinking about when you're on Spring break, but they're thinking about you every second you're away hoping you're safe and enjoying yourself. So, do them a favor and send a text or a phone call their way once in a while to give them some piece of mind.
8. Pack efficiently.
The last thing you want to do is over pack or under pack when going away for Spring break. Overpacking leaves a bigger chance of you losing something/forgetting to pack it when you're on your way out, and underpacking leaves you unprepared and downright frustrated. So, plan out your outfits for the number of days your there and pack a few extra necessities in case of an emergency.
9. Take advantage of your surroundings.
You're not going to be able to enjoy Spring break with thousands of other college students in ten years, so remember to make all the memories you can and appreciate the beauty of being young and free.
10. Lastly, have fun & be safe!!
You have the rest of your life ahead of you so remember that while you take on all the wild endeavors Spring break has to offer. So, have all the fun in the world but remember to be smart throughout all the adventures!
Keep calm, and Spring break on.