There are times that animals emulate your life. More than often, it is cats. Here are times college students were cats.
1. When you get a bad grade back.
"It's okay. I'll study harder for the next one." All lies.
2. When your friends ask you to go out but you broke af.
It gets very hard to say no and you feel left out but more than not, your friends will stick with you.
3. Freshman 15
You don't notice it at first, but it slowly dawns on you when your pants from high school don't fit anymore.
4. Writing papers before its' do.
I can personally attest to this. It is never good when you realize that the paper is due tomorrow.
5. When you are hanging with your squad
You get comfortable with your friends very fast and soon enough you'll be doing weird stuff together soon.
6. When the professor tries assigning a paper to do over break.
This one sucks. You are trying to enjoy some good food and family and friends but you got that paper hanging in the back of your head.
7. About half way through the semester.
You feel just about ready to give up.
8. When the professor says "Time for a pop quiz!"
There is no worse feeling than realizing you didn't read the assigned materials that he is quizzing over. You think that next time you will be prepared but we all know it's a lie.
9. When people start telling you to eat healthy.
You don't wanna but you have to start. It sucks.
10. Then they start telling you to exercise as well.
See above.
11. And finally when nap time comes along.
It's the most relaxing part of the day.