My mom is the queen of care packages. Seriously, she nails them every time. Her rule is, if you’re going to college away from home, you get sent a box every few months filled with goodies. This might sound familiar; maybe your mom does this, too. But my mom is different. She gives the best packages of all time.
Some of you are probably wondering, “Sydney, what makes your mom so awesome?” I genuinely ask myself that, as well. I’m pretty sure she was just born that way, but I’ve compiled some tips over the years when it comes to what she mails me. Now I feel pretty confident in giving you folks the low-down on what college students want (or need) in their packages, so here it is:
1. Candy.
No care package is complete without candy. My mom uses candy like it’s bubble wrap. If the UPS person drops the box, the fun sized Twix bars will soften the blow. Candy is especially nice for when you’re stressing out over exams, running late to work, and it’s raining. I keep some in my purse just for a snack. You never know where there could be a crisis!
2. Gift cards.
They are the easiest thing in the world. Whether it’s to a grocery store or a coffee shop, that little piece of plastic is a big treat. I use Fred Meyer gift cards for filling my tank! I also sometimes use some of her rewards points. Don’t tell.
3. Chapstick.
If you’re anything like me, you have a tube of Chapstick in every bag and still lose each one. My mom almost always sends me a few because she knows how I live my life.
4. Fun snacks.
This is very different from candy. Fun snacks from my mom include Dutch waffles, granola bites, cookies, or hot chocolate. They’re usually things I would either never buy myself or things I can only get at home. One time she sent me homemade oatmeal cookies and I have never opened a bag faster.
5. Socks.
Y’all don’t understand how cool you feel with bat socks and Birkenstocks on. Fall has arrived in full force all year long.
6. Writing Utensils.
No. 2 pencils, G2 pens, or nice highlighters – you need them. I’m always letting people borrow pens, and I can’t help but think of how getting pens from their parents would make their life so much easier.
7. Band-aids.
One of my freshman-year roommates got wounded and she used band-aids my mom sent me to keep things clean and protected. It seems so silly, but when you have a huge gash on your leg, you’ll be thanking me.
8. Something off their Amazon wishlist.
This goes without saying. Getting that $10 thing you don’t really need but have been eyeing to see if the price goes down is the best feeling.
9. Notes.
I miss my family a lot, and although I’m extremely luck to only be two and a half hours away, it still gets hard to be away from them. I keep all the notes my mom sends me, even the silly ones that have candy taped to them (the candy gets eaten, see above). One year for my birthday, my youngest brother created his own birthday cards with their printer. I have them hanging in my bathroom.
College is hard. You’re broke, hungry, and tired all of the time. Getting a surprise in the mail has made me cry numerous times. I’m lucky my mom knows just when I need it most. She’s a peach, that one.
So if you are feeling like you should be sending someone a care package, think about what they could use. Those precious parcels can turn the worst week into a slightly brighter one.