Going into college, you have to have the essentials for class. In this backpack, it contains everything that is equipped for you. Everyone has different things that they need but this is what you want to have. Here are some things you should keep in your backpack.
1. Umbrella
Going to school in Florida, you never know when it's going to rain. It happens unexpectedly and you will thank me later for tip. I do not know why we are called the "Sunshine State".
2. Jacket
Sometimes lecture halls and classrooms are cold so you'll need this if you get cold easily.
3. Laptop
Having a laptop is great because it's easy to carry around. You can type your notes from your lectures or surf the web in between classes.
4. Planner
Having a planner is great because you're more organized and it will help to see when you have upcoming tests, quizzes, projects and events.
5. Water
Having a Camelbak is awesome because you are recycling. It's super easy to refill. You probably don't want to buy water bottles and waste your money on water when you can buy food. Water is crucial because you do not want to be dehydrate.
6. Headphones
When you're walking alone to class, you can listen to music on your way to class. It is a way to pass time instead of looking like a loner.
7. Pens/Pencils
Some professors do not like students typing on their laptops so they would require you to write out the notes because you can retain it better if you write instead of typing. Bring extra because there is always that one kid that does not bring anything to class.
8. Paper
To write your notes on, draw doodles, make lists of things to.
9. Student ID
So many students lose this. You will be surprised. During the first couple weeks, some schools will be giving away free shirts and food so you need your Student ID. You also need this to go to dining halls, opening your residence hall, shopping on campus stores. It is different with each university but you could put money on your ID. Student ID's can also be used for discounts.
10. Sunglasses
You will need this because of Florida's sun. You want to protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays.
11. Snacks
Sometimes you do not have time to go back to your dorms or dining halls, so you could eat snacks in between.
12. Deodorant/ Body Spray
In between classes, you will sweat with the Florida sun so bringing deodorant and body spray is a must!
13. Hand sanitizer
In college, when you get sick, everyone around will get sick so use hand sanitizers to keep those germs away. Or if you are like me, I use wet wipes every time before I eat and after I eat.
14. Chargers
If you have a long day ahead of you and you forgot to charge it… it is crucial for you to bring a charger for your laptop or phone. You will want to go on social media and check Snapchat and see what drama there is for today or just taking a selfie because there was good lighting.
15. Mint/gum
You don’t want your breath to smell especially after food at the dining halls, so use mint or gum. Or use it when you see your crush because you don’t want your breath to smell.