It's getting to that point in the semester that every college kid knows well.
Just weeks away from Christmas break, assignments are pilling up and finals are just a few painstaking days away. You're spending hours writing papers, doing homework, and studying and to be honest, all you really want is to bash your face into a wall and be done. If you're feeling this way please know I am right there with you. I'm currently writing this article as a distraction from the group project, final exam studying, and internship work that I could actually be doing right now. So I definitely get it, it sucks.
Something my mom always likes to say to my sister and I around this time is "finish strong."
And if homework doesn't make me want to bash my face in by now, hearing my mom say "Erica, remember to finish strong!" DEFINITELY does. As annoying as it is to hear that a million and one times a day, she has good intentions. This time in the semester can get so hectic, stressful, and overwhelming. It's easy completely shut down and just give up. Your grades might not be where you want them to be, work or internship might be pulling you in a million directions, or you're just fed up and annoyed with your friends. It very well might be all three of those (I know it is for me). But please, don't give up.
College is not easy. College sucks sometimes.
You're tired, overwhelmed, stressed, sad, lonely, and anxious. Pretty much every emotion you can feel, you'll feel while in college. And I know that there are a million other reasons that you can get distracted from what you're there for. But now more than ever, you need to remember why you're doing what you're doing. Remember why you came to college, why you decided to major in a specific field, and remember that you're making it. Take some time to remember these things. Look at all your doing and be a little proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back for making it this far. Give yourself some credit for all you've accomplished. And once you feel good, get your head back into those books. Hit Starbucks and work your butt of these last few weeks. End the semester as the student and person you want to be remembered as. Even when you're tired, and fed-up, and want to bash your face into a wall, remember that you can "finish strong".
I know that this is easier said than done.
I don't know if I can practice this when its 2 a.m. and I'm up writing a paper that's due at 10 a.m. But what I do know is that it's worth it. Being able to push through the crap of the last few weeks of this semester and end the best way you can, it'll all be worth it. We can do it! We're almost there and then we'll have some time to catch our breath. Until then, give yourself some credit for how far you've come this far and end the semester in the best way you can.
Give it your all, you won't regret it.