As kids, we liked to think that growing up was going to be all fun and games. In some aspects, we were completely right but in other areas, we missed the mark by a long shot. Sure, there is the independence of being on your own, not having a curfew, nobody to stop you from eating a full pint of ice cream in one sitting. There are many downsides to being an adult—one would be the dreaded summer employment that plagues many college students. Not only do we have to focus on passing classes and the hell that is finals week but we have to be on the lookout for jobs back home so we can make some money over the summer. The struggle is very, very real.
That feeling when the semester is finally over and you get to go home for the summer.
Charles Dickens said it best: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Summer means no classes or exams but it also means leaving all of your friends behind.
Then you realize that you have to actually find a job.
So much for relaxing—it's stress time.
Desperately searching everywhere online for position openings near you.
What do you mean they won't just hire me because I'm desperate? What if I say please?
Realizing that if you don't find a job soon you won't be able to do anything fun this summer.
It's all fun and games until your debit card gets declined.
Polishing your resume with every skill you can possibly think of.
I mean, I took a year of Spanish in high school...that's got to be good for something, right?
When you finally find a place that is hiring.
Time to step it up and fill out a perfect application (before the high schoolers get out of school and take the few jobs that are out there).
Getting a call asking you to come in and interview.
Now comes the decision of how to dress. Professionally? Business casual? Snappy casual? What do you mean leggings aren't professional?
Crushing said interview and celebrating by spending your last $5 on ice cream.
On one hand, you probably should start saving up your money. But then again, you deserve this. Treat yo' self!
Finding out that you got the job.
Yes! Now it's time to call and brag to the parents, grandparents, and post on every social media account. #employed