College students everywhere are gearing up to get back to school. A new semester inevitably brings new stress, empty wallets, new friends and exciting adventures. The list I’m about to provide is geared toward the struggle of college students everywhere but there are some that are very specific to the students here at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Ten struggles that any college student can understand:
1. Spending an obscene amount of money on access codes.
When your professor says you don't need a textbook but you need to purchase an access code, you would think that would make things significantly cheaper. But you get the bill and $200 later, you contemplate if you should drop out before it's too late.
2. Replacing day drinking with going to class.
Summer is great because there are no responsibilities and all of your friends are back home for three months. Day drinking becomes a very common escapade. Now that classes are back in full swing, you have to replace those margaritas and sangrias at 2 p.m. with pencils and PowerPoint slides.
3. USF squirrels have no boundaries.
You hear the stories, but never understand how true they actually are until you witness it for yourself. The squirrels on campus are way too comfortable. I've witnessed them take and eat Chick Fil-A sandwiches right out of students hands. I'm sorry, but if I have to pay for it, so do you.
4. Thinking you’ll be early for class but end up 20 minutes late because of parking.
If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. You would think that paying $200 for a parking permit and leaving an hour and a half early for class would ensure you a parking spot. Think again.
5. Knowing what time it is based on if you’re drinking coffee or wine.
11 a.m. until 5 p.m. is coffee and class time. 5:01 p.m. until bedtime means it's Wine o'clock.
6. The Starbucks line.
Good thing I have an hour break between my classes because if not I wouldn't have time for that Starbucks line.
7. Melting on your way to class.
Did I just run a marathon in a full face of makeup? No, I just walked from my car to class. I'm starting to think about investing in one of those Disney portable fans with the spray bottle attached.
8. Fighting for a spot at the gym.
9. When the first day of class PowerPoint switches from syllabus to lecture in 0.5 seconds.
This is the biggest struggle; I may have shed a few tears.
10. Happy hour is a way of life.
No Friday classes gives me time on Thursday and Friday for happy hour. Let me celebrate after a long week and still be in bed by 10 p.m.