Whether you're a returning college student or it's your freshman year, your health can easily be placed on the back burner. Make it a routine until it becomes a habit.
1. Avoid soft drinks at all costs
Whether you call it soda, fountain drinks, pop, whatever just refrain from drinking them and opt for water or green tea instead
2. Choose hummus over dips
Making your own hummus isn't expensive and is much healthier than other chip/vegetable dips.
3. Have a salad with your meal
There's usually a salad bar at most college dining halls, make sure you don't ignore it.
4. Do a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity everyday
Yes, your schedule is always hectic but, there's always going to be at LEAST 30 minutes of free time for an exercise.
5. Don't completely cut out your favorite unhealthy foods
When you never treat yourself occasionally you may go overboard one day and indulge in too much sugary foods. It's not the end of the world to have ice cream or something once in a while, but don't make it constant.
6. Stop avoiding the stairs and hills on campus
Walking is great exercise, don't take short cuts.
7. Get a workout partner
Having someone to hold you accountable and motivate you helps in so many ways.
8. Replace your study candy with fruit or nuts
Midterms and finals week brings out the sweet tooth in everyone, but that can cause you to lose track of your fitness routine and suck away all energy to exercise. Try replacing your sugary snacks for raisins, nuts, dried fruit, grapes, vegetables, or any healthy alternative you can find.
9. Drink lots of water
You can do it!
10. Don't go overboard with caffeine
Most college students don't start the coffee addiction until their first year. Try to avoid drinking 10 cups of coffee in one day to make up for only sleep 3 hours the night before.
11. Attempt to keep a steady schedule
A consistent bedtime and exercise schedule can go a long way.
12. Get some sleep
It's hard to find time to sleep in college, you can either have a little social life and time to study or you can study and sleep, but it's difficult to find a balance between the three.
13. Find time to relax
Relax by doing your favorite hobby or just simply spend a few minutes to organize your thoughts and fight stress.
We all know it's easier to live off ramen noodles and sometimes it's the only choice for broke college students, but there are cheap ways to live while keeping your health in mind.
Improving your health can lead to more energy and may help improve your grades. Starting with a change in your routine can have a positive chain reaction for your semester.