It's that time of year again, that you are probably dreading like the rest of us, but also in a way happy that its here, because it means you can go home afterwards feeling accomplished and stress free.
And for those college students who have already started the grisly long process of studying, writing papers and preparing for final projects, Godspeed. It is hard, trust me, as a college sophomore, I know the numerous terrors and horrors of college finals. But, like everything, it won't last and we will go on with our lives, so for this week, I've decided to comply different memes and gifs to describe the relatable suffering that all college students are going through when this time rolls around. Don't fret, anonymous college student reading this, you aren't alone. Misery loves company and we are all collectively suffering together, but working hard will guarantee that it will be over soon.
1. There are gonna be times throughout this long hells week/s that you are constantly tired and trying to get through, but feeling overwhelmed to when that you feel that life is pointless and waiting for the sweet release of death to end your suffering.
2. Its gonna feel like a whole lot of this. Dean Winchester's screaming face describes it all, but it feels scary and hey maybe you do a lot of unnecessary screaming because of it.
3. When you realize that final exams are coming up and a whole lot of panic begins to break in...
4. Looking at your professors, like... for giving you these horrid finals.
5. When friends and family ask how you're doing, and you reply that you're fine, totally fine, never better, but who are you kidding? You're dying inside.
6. When you finish a final, but you have other finals ahead of you..
7. The three different types of college students during finals, Be the Hermione!!
8. Writing essays for finals, can sometimes come down to this, it feels like you want to literally type every word you know just to get through writing it.
9. When you're in that constant process of studying for numerous tests.
10. Then the moment finally comes. All of your projects are finished, you have handed in your final exams, the final papers and essays are turned in, and you feel that sense of victory over that overwhelming sense of panic, stress, and anxiety that has been hovering over you all week is gone. Goodbye hellish finals, and Hello Summer!
Good Luck on Finals y'all, May the Odds Ever be in your Favor.