Everyone expects a college student to party every weekend, all week. It's the well known stereotype.
Well I here to tell you thats not always the case. The best part of college is that its filled with all types of people who like to do all types of things. Some people enjoy doing all kinds of things.
I am one of those people.
It took me a while to be okay with the fact that I don't go out every weekend. I felt weird, like I wasn't normal. But what I have discovered is that it's more important to be with people you like then to be doing something you should be doing.
Sometimes I'd rather watch a movie with my friends on a Friday night, sometimes I'd rather go out to a club or frat party, and sometimes I'd just like to watch netflix in my bed.
And thats okay. See there is no right or wrong way to "do" college. The key is being happy. So if you don't want to go to the big frat party on saturday, don't let the pressure get to you. If you do, don't let the haters stop you! College is all about you!