Every college student (heck, even high school students), are guilty of this.
You're sitting in class, bored out of your mind, and you slowly slip into a daydream. Everything looks the same, but crazy things happen that no one seems to realize but you.
The other day, in my Ecology class, I imagined a little something like this:
10:30 a.m. - Ecology.
An hour and fifteen minutes until it's over and I'm completely bored. The teacher hasn't even started his lecture. I look out the window and have completely zoned out any possible noise that could interrupt my thoughts.
Then, something hits the window. Loud, and hard. It's a man who looks sickly. Poor guy.
He won't go away, and no one seems to notice. But suddenly, he turns and leaves after hitting the window with his hands, and at one point his face. It looked painful but he was quite the champ.
After he walked away, a high-pitched scream rang out, but I was the only one to hear it. I got up and looked out the window-
I should probably remind you that I didn't actually get up, I just thought I did, okay? Good. ANYWAYS.
-there was a women, or what was left of her. Don't know what happened, but I wasn't about to stick around to figure it out.
I left the classroom and walked around the school cautiously. The man was no where to be found outside, but the door was propped open. Not good.
The hallways were absolutely trashed, and no one was around. Until then it seemed normal. Well, except for the mess.
At the end of the hall, the man from earlier rounded the corner and stared at me. His expression was not friendly. He was covered in red. Behind him was a small army of students and faculty.
I froze, and used only my eyes to look around in an attempt to avoid make a move.
They didn't need much of a movement from me before they started to approaching. What was wrong with them? They're all disgusting. Are they okay? I'm no doctor, but they sure needed one.
The teacher called on me to answer a question (that I got right even without paying attention), and that was the end.
I literally dreamed up an apocalypse situation because it was better than learning about water bottles.
I'm not saying you should daydream your classes away because that won't help you academically. What I am saying, however, is that sometimes your mind needs a break, and that's a good way so take one.
If you have a daydream that you would like me to share in an article, contact me - I would love to hear it!