The struggles of college are too real, no words are able to describe them. However, Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe and Joey do a perfect job of communicating college feels.
1. Trying to make new friends freshman year like:

You don't have your high school friends anymore to walk around with you 24/7 so now you actually have to find people to hangout with. Most of us haven't done this since kindergarten and it can get a little awkward.
2. Roommate Struggles are too real sometimes
Roommates are hard to handle sometimes. This random person that you are living with can be completely opposite from you. Having a roommate that likes the room hot at night when you like it cold can make you want to cry. After you've taken off every article of clothing you possibly can and still sweating.
3. You realize walking to classes in the winter is the worst thing ever.
In January when it's -2 degrees out and you have to walk to the farthest building across campus for class. This is the time when you start to miss high school and only having to walk to your car or the bus stop to get to class.
4. Finals week has you like:
Hour 14, 7th cup of coffee, and still (barely) surviving.
5. You try to sound smart in class by answering a question and immediately regret that decision after you speak.
You formulated a great answer in your head but when it comes out of your mouth you sounded like a 2-year-old speaking for the first time.
6. When you regret your decision to schedule all 8 am classes.
You think it's a great idea to schedule 8 a.m.s but as you get further into the semester you realize your brain is not meant to handle that kind of interaction that early in the morning.
7. Midnight binge eating while studying feels
Studying is going great because you've been stuffing your face with chips and queso for the past hour. If you stop now, you'll most likely fail. Keep shoving that food in.
8. When you just don't know what you want anymore.
You can't make simple decisions anymore. The end of the semester comes and you start to loose your mind. Do you want food, sleep, Netflix, shower, gym, or do more studying? Tough decision.
9.You just have overall bad days sometimes.
You spilled your coffee on yourself, failed a quiz, the printer was broken so you couldn't print the paper for class, and the food in the dining hall was just especially terrible. Everyone has a bad day, some might have a bad week, others a bad semester. It always gets better. Hang in there.
10. Your family starts to comment on the little bit of weight you gained after the semester.
Family gatherings usually result in people commenting on the extra weight you put on since the last time they saw you. You just have to love your few extra pounds and own it.
11. After a long night of partying or bar hopping, you're really not feeling well the next day but you're just like:
You went out to the bar and partied way to hard on a Wednesday night, but it was a blast so you get up, get some coffee and strut across campus.
12. When college is over and you're just so not ready
Everyone is trying to make you feel OK about graduating, but you're silently crying on the inside.