10. Being broke at the end of the semester and not being able to start working yet. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

13 Awkward Struggles Every College Student Faces When They Come Home For Summer Break

Let’s face it, once you have gotten a taste of being away from home, you start to ask yourself, “do I still live here?”

13 Awkward Struggles Every College Student Faces When They Come Home For Summer Break
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Finals week has officially ended and you can finally throw away all of your notes, return your textbooks, delete all of the unnecessary screenshots of notes from your photo library. Then you have to pack up all of your stuff and either put it in a storage unit or take your belongings home. But once you get home, you ask yourself, “now what?" Yeah, you're planning on starting a summer job but you won't be starting for another few weeks. Your parents are working and your younger siblings are still in school and you have nothing to do. Here are 10 of the most common awkward struggles most college students face when they come home from college.

1. Not knowing whether to live out of your suitcase or put everything away.

I can't be the only one with this struggle. You're living somewhere else for 9 months and then you're only living at home for 3 months. This is basically a long ass vacation except you're going to be in another grade level by the time you come back to college.

2. Am I a guest or do I still live here?

Like the previous struggle, do I still have to do chores on certain days? Do I still get mail? Am I supposed to pay rent?

3. Forgetting how to drive...


Believe it or not, some actually have a hard time remembering simple steps that they did. It's like going back to school and forgetting how to write a simple headline. I personally drive a manual car, so to remember the shifting and clutch gears is always a step. Usually, after 5 minutes I am completely fine…but it's still weird.

4. Almost getting lost in your own hometown because you haven't been there in so long.

Or when your favorite places either went out of business or relocated. Plus, the new construction makes it impossible to get around and you have to find new alternative routes that you are not used to. Where the hell am I?

5. Missing your college friends who are miles away.

My hometown friends are amazing but my college friends made everything much simpler. Half of my hometown friends found their own friends in college, which is why college really changes you.

6. Being used to staying up late but now everyone in your house goes to bed at 7PM basically…

When you prepare dinner at 11:30PM and your family gives you the side eye.

7. Not knowing about what to wear to PG-rated family events because you're so used to wearing club dresses for R-rated events.


Honey, you're going to a child's Christening...

8. Being home alone because everyone in your household either has work or school

This is also a good thing but then again, you're still bored. If your own Wi-Fi can't make you happy then this is rock bottom after college.

9. That sense of boredom because none of your friends came home yet.

Snapchat and Twitter just isn't the same. I need to see a face and have someone eat unhealthy food and do hood rat things with me.

10. Being broke at the end of the semester and not being able to start working yet.

Once again, rock bottom. This is when your dad is like "get a job," or "you're starting your job in 3 weeks, you're fine."

11. Being excited that you'll have a summer job but then realizing that you have to wake up early AGAIN.

Money is the motivation, but what about food?

12. Trying to figure out how you're going to survive the next few months being told what to do.


Have you ever noticed instead of asking your parents if you can go somewhere, you now say "Mom I'm going to ________" And then you hit them with the "be right back" sentence?

13. Constantly counting down the days until you return to college.


It's been June for 32 years, I can't do this anymore...

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