College can be grueling at times. You go to class day after day and fall into a rut of boredom and endless lectures. Sometimes (I know I have), you joke about dropping out and think, "hmmm that does sound like a simple solution to my problems".
But don't fret, because, after my first semester, I feel as if I have picked up some tips and tricks about how to grind on and get that degree that you deserve!
1. Go To Class
Don't freak out. I know this seems unbearable and obvious, but it's also effective. Just getting to class and making connections with your fellow peers and professors can encourage you to continue showing up to class. I know it definitely helped me get to class when I knew my friends would be disappointed if I chose to sleep rather than try to sneak in conversations while our professors took joy in shushing us. So, GO TO CLASS!!
2. Get Enough Sleep
TRUST ME. Falling asleep amidst an endless drone is commonplace throughout these institutions of higher education. Sure a nice power nap might make your day, but thenn you missed all of the notes you won't see again until your test on Friday. To prevent this mishap, try putting your addicting mobile device to sleep an hour before you plan to snooze. That way, you fall asleep in a timely manner, and can aim for a solid six to eight hours before your next class.
3. Hang Out With Friends
Weird prescription to do well in school, right? Not the most educational of methods, but you aren't going to achieve the gpa you desire if you're hidden in your room 24/7 not associating with the outside world. Friends (both the tv show and the real beings) make everything better. So go hang out with your people (or find some through a mutual interest), have fun, and destress your studied-out mind.
4. Find A Tutor
If you don't need any extra help, than you go Glen Coco! But there is no shame in falling behind or not entirely grasping a subject. Chances are your school offers free educational assistance if you ask. So go ahead and march down to your learning facilities and find yourself a tutor!
5. Office Hours
Similar to a tutor, but can be even more informative if they specialize in what you don't understand. Professor's office hours are there to help their students. So take advantage of them to get help understanding notes, writing equations, or an essay, etc etc.
6. Treat Yo Self
Whether treating yourself means a spa day, watching your favorite tv show, or getting an extra hour of sleep, go for it. Sometimes you just need to decompress and can't be go go go 24/7. Taking a break helps you absorb your study material better, and is healthier mentally. My favorite thing to do is grab a coffee and leisurely read a book to ease my running mind. So find what relaxes you and take advantage of it.
7. Dog/Cat Cafe
You may be a tad confused at the moment, I was likewise when I discovered these. Animals in general help to reduce stress and can be very beneficial for mental health, and physical health. Many of these "animal cafes' exist around the world, and allow customers the opportunity to eat with free roaming animals. Some cafes are just cause, and others allow you to meet and adopt the animals you play with. All around: a great reason to find one near you.
8. Exercise
I know you're already groaning and decided against this. But exercise can be really good for you. Other than the obvious effects of a healthier life, running around can help make you happier and has shown to be a great way to reduce stress. Give it a try, and aim for a healthier and happier semester!
9. Explore
Exploring is awesome guys! Wherever you go to school, you have the ability to explore your campus and learn more about it, and/or go adventuring within the surrounding area. This can be a new and exciting way to spend time with friends and find your sense of adventure while you're at it.
10. Get A Hobby
Or find newfound joy in an old one. This is another way to spend your free time without worry about all the schoolwork you need to attend to. Take time for yourself and have some entertainment while you're at it.