Post study face mask!
I am a huge believer in skin care. A lot of the time when I am stressed, out comes the pimples. So I try to take care of my skin with constant washes after roasting in the library. I also love to use a soothing face mask to end my day. Some how it makes me feel 10x better.
Treat yourself with that ice cream!
There is nothing wrong with a good stress eat of Ben and Jerry's. Sometimes you just need it.
Retail therapy...oops.
Sorry this is probably that last thing you wanted encouragement to do...but it is my guilty pleasure!
Work out to work it out!
Some people think I am crazy for this one but it is my favorite. Some times I just have to sweat it out in order to feel better. Getting that body moving and working releases stress for me and I physically can not go sit in the library until I get a good work out in. Nothing makes me feel better!
Find a puppy, STAT. (Or a cat whatever floats your boat)
Studies show cuddling an puppy can help relieve stress. Last week, my friends and I completely sent it to the mall and played with a puppy for 15 minutes just because our brains felt like mush. And it helped! (Even if it was not my dog...)
Join Odyssey and write about your stress!
To be honest, right now I am stressed! Plenty to do and no time to do it. However, Odyssey gives me an outlet to release my stress through writing–even if it means writing about my stress. The world is your oyster! So join our team and get rid of your stress! We would love to have you!