College. The first things that probably come to your mind are parties, crazy up all night shenanigans, and studying until you can't study anymore. The last thing that would probably come to your mind is God. Well, before actually being on my own, strengthening my relationship with God was the last thing I would have thought college was for.
We've all grown up following our parents' rules and just going with the flow to make them happy. For me, religion was a huge part of my life growing up and still is. Some teens might feel like their parents forced them to attend church, but for me, it was different. I loved getting up every Sunday morning to go to church and serve my God.
So, needless to say, when I left my small town to attend a huge university, I was really worried about my relationship with God. Where would I go to church at in this new city? How will I still serve him? Will I ever feel his presence when I'm not at church?
During my second year of college, I learned the answers to these questions. No, sometimes I won't go to church on Sunday, and I will sleep until noon, instead. But, that does not mean that I cannot connect with God.
It may sound crazy, but college has made me so much closer to God than I could have ever imagined. How can this be? If I'm not attending church every single Sunday, how am I growing closer to God each day?
Halfway through my fall semester this year, I was stressed, really stressed. I wasn't sleeping or eating right, and I wanted to cry every time I received a new assignment from my professor. I finally realized that it was time to talk to God. I went into my closet and prayed for about 30 minutes— the longest I had prayed in a while. After praying, I felt so relieved. I realized that God is with me, through the good and the bad times. I knew then I needed to start talking to God more.
From that day on, I have tried to always make time to go into my "prayer closet" and talk with my Savior. I have never felt closer to God than I do now. It's weird that college brought me the chance to be closer with my God, but I am very thankful. I know that even though I fail God sometimes, his love is NEVER ending.
Now, I not only pray when I'm stressed, but I pray when I'm happy, too. When I receive a good grade on a huge exam or when I've just had an overall great day, I come home and thank God for his blessings.
College is a time to experience new things, but don't forget your upbringing. I have seen so many people that I know grew up in church just completely forget about how they were raised and having a relationship with God. It's easy to get caught up in the college life— the parties, sporting events, and new friends. But, just remember that your parents had a reason for taking you to church all those years.
So the next time you are a just a little too stressed, sit down and talk to God. He loves you and wants you to have a relationship with him. Talking to God has helped me to get through finals week more than any number of flashcards I could make or hours I could spend at the library.