Spring break, winter recess, whatever you want to call it. If you're in college, it's coming up. And you probably want to make the most of not having to go to class for a whole 7-10 days. You could just spend it in bed, scrolling through Instagram and finding another show to consume your life on Netflix, but is that really memorable?
If it is, then more power to you, but if not, here are some ideas for things you should do over break that won't make you much poorer than you already are (it's a struggle, I know.)
1. Get out of the state, even if it's just for the day.
Sometimes a change of scenery can be the best break. Take a road trip, a train, or a cheap flight and just go somewhere! It could be somewhere you never even thought to go before, or a city you've been wanting to visit. Wanderu.com has pretty good deals and cheap tickets for buses and trains to a variety of places and is definitely worth checking out.
2. Celebrate someone or something.
Throw a surprise party, celebrate a birthday, an event, a holiday, an anniversary, or a friendship. There are so many things in life that are worth having a little party for, but we rarely ever have time. Well, now we have a whole week!
3. Have a photo shoot with friends.
Whether you deem them Instagram-worthy or not, having a fun photo shoot with your people can be a nice break from all your stresses and something you can remember forever. Plus, there are so many places to go exploring to take pictures at, and best of all, it's free!
4. If you have roommates, spend a night in cooking and making a family dinner.
In college, we rarely get a home-cooked meal. Why not make a fun night out of making something delicious you all can eat without having to pay restaurant prices? There are countless recipes online from every level of experience.
5. Have a self-care day.
This can be done by yourself or with friends! Have an at-home spa day, paint your nails, stay in your pj's, watch movies and eat ice cream, or whatever it is that makes you feel your best! The main goal is to stay away from all of the stresses in your life for a whole day and just decompress.
Bottom line: Make sure your break from school is an actual break. College is so stressful, and there are so many things going on in our lives that it is so important to escape, even for a little bit. There's so much we miss out on during the semester because we simply don't have the time to do it. The homework, the papers, the exams, the jobs, and the stresses will all be there when you get back, but for now, for your own sanity, just take a breather and have an amazing spring break!