When you get to college, you realize that there are many more things than just your class schedule that are different from high school, one of those especially being how you spend spring break. In high school, spring break use to be just another family vacation. Now it's a week long adventure with a handful, or dozen, of your friends. If there's anyone that can accurately explain the college spring break experience, it's the cast of Jersey Shore.
1. Waking up the day you're leaving on your spring break like:
Waking up the day you get to leave to go to the beach might just feel better than waking up on Christmas, especially at this point in the semester.
2. When you feel like absolutely nothing can ruin this day because you're going to the beach, but then you get to the airport and your flight is delayed:
At this point you may even be use to having flights delayed, but having a flight delayed when you're leaving for spring break feels worse than any other time you were stuck waiting in an airport for an hour or two. On the bright side though, this gives you extra time for a short nap so you're not as tired when you finally reach your spring break spot.
3. Arriving at your destination like:
When your flight felt like it took way longer than it actually was and you step out of the airport and feel the warm air against your face.
4. As soon as you get checked into your hotel:
After finally making it to your destination, you're so excited to be on the beach you don't even care about calling dibs on a bed. But to be able to get to the beach, you need to find it first!
5. You the first couple of hours of being on the beach with your friends:
At this point in the semester, between never ending assignments and midterms, you don't just want to let loose, you need to.
6. After those first couple of exciting hours:
It's about 3 p.m. and your friends are ready to take a quick nap in the sun before turning in for the day.
7. When the first day of fun is over and it's time to decide where you're going out to eat:
You've been function on liquids all day so when it comes time to eat solid food, you better pick somewhere that's going to be worth your while.
8. You just finished eating dinner and one of your friends say, "Do you guys want to skip going out tonight so we can go to bed early for tomorrow?"
This day is not over yet! And on top of that, the Sunday before classes start again is meant for catching up on lost sleep during break, not your nights spent in paradise.
9. As soon as you get to the bars that all the other spring breakers are at:
Not only is spring break great because you get to go to the beach, but you also get to experience bars that aren't your usual hang out back at school.
10. Waking up every morning of Spring Break like:
Don't even try to lie to yourself. It's spring break, you'll find a way to rally.
11. When it's halfway through the week and you're not sure if you can survive the rest of the trip:
You have a sunburn, you're sore, sleep deprived, dehydrated, and probably running really low on money, But don't be afraid to challenge yourself. If you convince yourself you can make it to the last day, you will.
12. When you're on the beach and you realize you really need to go to the bathroom and turn and see the ocean and think about your past vacations:
I guess if you've done it before, doing it again wouldn't hurt. Maybe just not tell anyone that's why you are suddenly going for a dip in the water.
13. "It's time to pack to go home!"
You've been dreading this all week, but the time has finally come.
14. You're friend turns to you on the plane ride home and goes, "Remember this week when you...":
What happens on vacation, stays on vacation, right?
15. Coming back to school and everyone says, "You look like you went somewhere for Spring Break."
Nothing matters to you because you're no longer blindingly pale and you just got back from spending a stress free week with your friends on the beach.