The feeling you get when you open an email from school saying "all classes for the day have been canceled due to the weather" is unlike any other. Happiness? No, 'euphoria' is more like it. Snow Days are rare, but magical experiences. They don't come often enough, which is why you must do all you can to take advantage of the unexpected time off from classes! The possibilities are nearly endless.
1. Watch Netflix
2. Catch Up On School Work
You knew this one was going to be an option. It's probably what you planned to do during your snow day, but gave up trying to do after a few minutes. I definitely recommend sticking with it, though! If you're behind in any of your classes an extra day to catch up without missing anything is a blessing from above- don't waste the opportunity to get back on track or even ahead!
3. Go Sledding
Sledding is not just for children anymore, or if it is, then just call me a child. No worries if you didn't bring your sled to college with you, dining hall trays have been proven to work just fine.
4. Make Food
Something you don't get much time to do anymore while at school is cook, so why not whip out your college dormitory's pans and utensils to make some cookies or mac and cheese? Living off campus for this part definitely helps, but the stuff in the dorm kitchens works for all of the easy stuff. Your school may also sell cookie mixes and other ingredients in a store on campus, so look out for that!
5. Order In
Too lazy to cook? I understand. It's also freezing cold out, so why bother trekking to the dining hall when plenty of places around campus will still deliver! Chinese food is a popular option, but you can never go wrong with a pizza, either.
6. Self Care
7. Make a Snow Man/ Fort
Is making a snowman also for children? I don't care at this point. Make you and your friends a fort or igloo, or even a snow mascot. Some people can make some crazy creations out of snow.
8. Clean
9. Reconnect With People
10. Movies
This is a snow day classic, but go see a movie! If you can get there safely, there's nothing better than relaxing in a warm movie theatre with some popcorn and some of your friends. There's almost no time do this normally at school, so do it while you can!
Snow days don't have to be unproductive or boring! Don't waste the one snow day you'll probably get not having any fun. Sleep in, make the most of your day, and try to forget that school starts again tomorrow.