As a college student, you will quickly become familiar with the phrase "the freshman 15." Typically, an article such as this one would give you tips on how to avoid those extra pounds; however, let's be realistic here for a moment. College kids are going to eat junk and hoard it in their rooms; it's part of the experience. So, on that note, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite food items that I currently have a stockpile of under my bed (a.k.a. my main reason for lofting). Enjoy!
Tostitos are my go-to when I want to convince myself that I'm kind of being healthy. I mean they are made of corn, right? How bad could they be?
Chocolate Bars.
If you are as obsessed with chocolate as I am, you're going to need the 6 pack of these... maybe make that a 12 pack.
LU Cookies.
These cookies do not get enough credit! They are a snack that is equally chocolate and a cookie. How do you compete with that?
Arizona Iced Tea.
Arizona is great because it has so many different kinds of iced tea, meaning you are bound to enjoy at least one of them. Also, they are sold in bulk in bottles that are easily grabbed when you are running out the door for your 9 am class.
Spearmint Leaves.
There has to be at least one form of candy in a dorm room.
Pop-Tarts are a staple in a college dorm because they are basiclaly a meal when you are feeling too lazy to walk to the cafeteria.
Breakfast Bars.
These keep me from passing out in class, so they are constantly in stock.
Cheetos are my guilty pleasure. I know that they are absolutely awful for you, but hey, I think deserve something like Cheetos when I'm up until 4 am writing papers.
This stuff is great because it is actually kind of healthy. I throw some in a plastic bag and take it to class with me in the morning.
Red Velvet Oreos.
Red velvet anything, really.