Whether it's debating ordering GrubHub or walking down to the dinning hall, food in college can sometimes become the biggest priority. Schedules can sometimes be so overwhelming and time consuming that we can be hungry for a few hours before coming home to devour easy mac, or leftovers from last nights Chinese food. Although college students are known to stress eat; the freshman fifteen somehow became the senior thirty, it is important to learn how to meaningfully snack and keep our bodies awake and energized so we can function properly throughout the day. I am not a doctor and I am not certified to preach about health or food and what may be good for certain body types or people, but I do know what works for me. I am a junior in college and these tips have helped me and my snacking habits throughout school!
We've all seemed to fall into the early morning caffeination which can make one coffee sometimes turn into two or three. But this artificial energy is not the healthiest decision that we are making, especially so early in the am. Before your eight o'clock class, try drinking about two cups of room temperature water. This will start your digestive system, and halt those sugary donut cravings that too often guide us to the busy dinning hall.
There are many mornings where sleeping in sounds a lot better than making breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you just don't have enough time, make sure it's your most important snack! Reach for a fruit or even a vegetable smoothie. Fruits and vegetables have higher water content that will keep us hydrated and refreshed during the early part to our day. Also, getting your greens in early will make you more awake and will kickstart your digestive system. Something that I do to keep my green intake high is buying a large box or bag of fresh greens from the grocery store. They are around five to seven dollars, but they can last for a few weeks! This way if I ever buy a sandwich or salad on campus I can add my own greens to it! Also munching on a salad mid day is a great snack, and a perfect way to increase your iron and immune functions!
Oatmeal is one of my personal favorite breakfasts, but even though it is the quickest, I often feel like I don't have enough time to make it. Overnight oats are the best way to make oatmeal in college. Simply pour a half of a cup of oats in a mason jar with a cup of water or non dairy milk, add some cinnamon or spices, some honey or maple syrup and some sliced fruit. Put this delicious combination in the fridge and the next morning you will have a creamy breakfast snack that you can grab and go!
Snacking in college is one of the trickiest things to do. While walking back from class one may grab a soda or a bag of chips to hold them over until the next class. Those high calorie and sugary foods will satisfy you for only the short term. Try bringing an apple, or a to-go container of carrots, pretzels and hummus with you to snack on. These snacks will not only digest better than the sodium coated chips, but they will fill you up more, so you can be ready to sit and learn in your next class.
A simple trick to keep you fuller and keep your immune system happy is taking about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar everyday. Believe me, I've been doing this for years and the taste still makes me cringe, but putting it in some cold water or even orange juice can make the taste a lot less terrifying! This is something I swear by, and in college whats better than staying healthy and full when you have a day full of classes?
Something that often college students will forget at their dorm is their water bottles. My water bottle is one of my backpack staples! I think as we're getting ready for classes we undermine how thirsty we will be getting throughout the day. Staying hydrated is so important for the upkeep of normal body functions, and often we will feel hungry or even out of wack just because we are dehydrated. Invest in a reusable water bottle or two that you can bring and refill during class. Your body and mind will thank you!