Walking around campus may feel like a breeding ground sometimes, with couples sharing a kiss on the grass or holding hands walking to class. But there's more of us choosing to be single than you may think.
We grew up being conditioned by stories of young love where couples met in college and have been inseparable since. How did this happen? I have no idea, because the one thing that men are committed to in college, is being uncommitted. Starting a relationship is hard in the first place, and then add a fully rigorous course load on top of that? You're asking for trouble. More and more college students are staying single or at least open ended because honestly nobody has time. College is probably one of the only times in your life where you can walk onto campus and be whoever you want to be. You're finally on your own. If your family's expectations were weighing on you or maybe you didn't like the person you were in highschool and want to try on a new face, well here, you can! We are the beginning of an era where we can finally be who we want to be and it's totally okay. Want to dye your hair and go by a nickname? Go for it! This is a time of self discovery and growth, so let's all take this time and expand who we are, make our boxes a little bigger or break it down all together.
A relationship when you don't know who you are yet is confusing and stressful. It might be better to just stay friends after all. If you're at home reading this and thinking back on your time in college, you're probably remembering those crazy nights with your friends where you walked from party to party meeting all new people (that honestly, you probably won't remember the next day, until you check Snapchat and have a dozen unfamiliar usernames on your add list), or those long nights in the library studying for that econ exam the next morning, not your time stressing about whether or not it's too soon to double text him or her, because well you don't want to seem clingy right? Wrong, because who cares!
Don't stress about finding your perfect person in college, who we are today might now even be who we are next month, we're all changing and growing, finding our new faces in this new state of independence.