When you get to the end of your college years, you all of a sudden realize that there's a lot of stuff that you've always wanted to do but never got around to doing. Now, during your last few months, is your last chance to do all of it. The first step to fulfilling your college experience? Make a bucket list.
1. Thursday night karaoke with the squad.
2. Spontaneous weekend road trip.
3. Go to a music festival.
5. Get on the big screen at an athletic event.
6. Pull an all nighter with your friends just for fun.
7. Go to as many concerts as possible.
8. Find a new brunch place.
9. Explore part of the city/town you live in that you've never been to before.
10. Go to a house party for old time's sake.
11. Attend one last sorority/fraternity mixer.
12. Learn to cook something besides mac and cheese.
13. Binge watch an entire series in one weekend.
14. Go on a night out to that super dirty, grungy bar you frequented freshman year.
15. Senior flash mob.
16. Make a compilation video of all the adventures you and your friends have had over the past four years.
17. Take a splash in the school fountain.
18. Skip class for a day to go on an adventure.
19. Pass on some of your most prized possessions you've gained over the years to the younger ones, so they can continue your legacy.
20. Have a sleepover with all of your friends in one place for a night.
21. Make the best of the time you have left.
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