This time of year is usually very exciting for most. Graduation and new eras. But it is more emotional for a select few of us, seniors not graduating. Ah, April and May. Like I said, for some, it is the happiest day of your life thus far for others it is a little emotionally draining.
Some of us are the college seniors who are NOT participating in graduation this year because even despite our senior status, we are not eligible to graduate just yet. We didn't slack off or change our majors. The road has just been a little rockier and challenging.
We are not a lesser student than you. We have worked just as hard. We can make all the excuses for and reasons of why we are behind or get behind, but that will not change the fact that we are behind.
I am going to take 5+ years to get my degree, but I WILL get my degree. It’s has taken a long time to come to terms with the fact that it's taking longer to graduate. Some days it still is stressful, but it's just building up excitement and thankfulness for when we DO receive that diploma.
We are extremely happy for all our friends that are graduating this semester even a little jealous. But we can’t help but wish that was us. To everyone else who is going through this, don't give up. Don’t let the fact that you are completely over being a student and just wanting to get on with your life, deter you from the fact that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And we are almost there!
We are resilient and it is very admirable we are sticking to it no matter how long it will take. No matter the obstacles thrown our way or what we have had to overcome, we will graduate with a degree to call our own and start our own life.
All those hours working full time (maybe even more than one full-time job), family struggles, strained relationships, and anything else that has gotten in your way will just be a memory of the past. When you are walking across that stage in your cap and gown, none of those things will even matter anymore. All that will matter is the fact that YOU were able to achieve your goal.
When you really sit down and think about it time is actually really irrelevant to a college degree.Yes, I'm sure there are a million things you would rather be doing than being a student but it is such a big deal to graduate from college or university. We get lost in the fact that most of our friends are in college.
It seems so normal that everyone gets to go and we take it for granted. College is not a small journey. So many people never get the opportunity to earn a degree and just do whatever they have to do to get by. For me, I am a first-generation college student. Just the fact that I will graduate one day will be a big deal all on its own.
As long as we stay focused and dedicated, we’ll get there. Don’t let the frustration of how long your degree is taking knock you off course. Be resilient, be strong, be brave and get it done.
To all the college seniors who are not graduating: remember that you are not alone and you are not doing poorly. College is not a race. Finish at your own pace, and be proud of that.
Just because you aren't graduating in 4 years, doesn't mean that you are not successful on your journey to earning a degree. Most importantly it does not mean that you are not qualified to be doing whatever you’re going into. Just because you complete college in 4 years does not mean you are better than anyone else.
On all those days where you are second-guessing why you are doing this, just think this won’t last forever. Stay positive and remember why you are doing this.