When you suddenly realize break is over, and it is finally the time to start back with classes...
The semester begins when the teacher hands out your first assignment...
You get your first assignment back, which you have dreaded to get graded...
And you realize you didn’t do as well as you wanted, so you decide to go out.
You prepare to hit on a couple of people you see at the bar, hoping to ease the stress.
And you get upset because the crowd was not what you expected it to be.
So you go home to the one thing that will make your night better: FOOD.
The next day you chose to study harder for the next tests, but realize college is much harder than you want.
So you continue the semester, scared now to open every grade that appears online.
You begin to blame to teacher for not teaching you what you needed to know.
And you feel like you should probably just give up on life.
But you realize you have already put this much work into it, that you should stick it out.
And that sudden wake-up call allows you to push through the last bit of work for the semester.
So you can prove to your parents that making college your new home was something that they can be proud of
Because once it is all over, you can forget everything you have learned.
The semester will come to an end, and it is time to start saying some goodbyes
But after all the stress of the semester you all will be happy, because you all made it one to remember and one you won’t regret