Every college semester is different, true, but they also all have a pretty similar layout. From syllabus week to finals week, nothing can better describe how students feel during a typical semester than "The Office."
1. Syllabus Week
Can we take out the group project, please? And maybe extend a few deadlines...
2. The First Weekend Back From Break
No homework, no worries, no problems - the one weekend all semester where you don't have to force yourself to have fun, and it just comes naturally!
3. The Scary Week After Syllabus Week, When The Prof Starts Teaching...
If I can't understand it now, I'm definitely not going to understand it by the end of the semester.
4. The Second Weekend... And All The Ones After
Staying in the dorm, with headphones on, thinking about all your stress and problems and grades while your friends try to hype you up? Sounds about right.
5. Mid-Terms Time
An exam, paper, and project in every class? I promised myself I wouldn't cry this semester, but some things just don't change...
6. Post-Midterms, Pre-Finals
That point during the semester where you would rather stare at the ceiling all day instead of even thinking about studying.
7. Realizing You're So Close, Yet Still So Far, From Break
When was the last time I slept? Is it acceptable to sleep through the rest of the semester?
8. The Moment Your Prof Offers You Last Minute Extra Credit Before Finals
There is hope for my grades!!!
9. Dreaded Finals Week
Why is there so much studying? Why is this even a thing?