It's back to school time and you want to make sure you are prepared. In college, they don't give you a supply list, so I composed a small list of essential items every college student need.
Laptop laptop is something every college student needs and that's because it's versatile and portable. You can take notes, do homework, or even take a test on this one device. Although they can be quite expensive, I would advise every student to make the investment.
A planner
A planner is essential for back-to-school and that's because it will help you stay organized. Between work, class, and extracurricular activities, you're going to need help juggling everything.
New clothes want to start the semester off feeling confident and cool. New clothes are always a plus because you get to feel good about yourself, as well as showing off your creative style. College is the perfect time to find your sense of style.
Walking around campus is not the easiest thing to do while carrying all of your supplies. That's why you need a backpack, to make sure all of your stuff is in one place, as you commute around campus.
Pens and pencils
Writing utensils are very important because you never know when you're going to need them. Whether it's a pop quiz or attendance sign-in sheet, you are going to need something to write with. Make sure you buy a lot because they go very quickly.