We all know through four years of high school we don't learn the important things to survive in the world of "Adulting." As most people enter into college, that is when they learn the essentials of adulthood, and sometimes people don't learn the essentials until it is time begin the long process of adulting. Here's a few things during my brief period of being a "semi" adult that I would like to share with you!
1. Insurance
Now I'm not saying I've had to get my own insurance. I still have roughly 6 more years until that struggle comes, but I'm talking about knowing what insurance your parents have. I went away for college and unfortunately I'm very prone to injuries or some kind of sickness, and I don't have the time, the gas, or simply the energy to travel home. So what do I do? I go see a local doctor, but what about when the bills come? You would think the insurance my parents pay so much money to will pick it up, right? Yes, IF you've seen a physician within NETWORK. I'm pretty sure I just lost a good chunk of you. To put it in simple terms, Network is the physicians/dentist/ophtamologist/radiologist/hospitals that your insurance is basically going to pay for. Anyone outside of your network that you go to when the bill comes basically says...
That is just a small part of understanding insurance, if you have any further question please ask your insurance provider.
2. Important Personal Information
This is a broad topic so I'm going to try to keep this brief. How many of you know your SSN by heart? How many of you know your Drivers License Number by heart? How many of you know your personal medical history? How many of you know your family medical history? How many of you know your parents personal information, such as their DOB, not just their birthday,but their birth year as well? These are all things you will have to give out in some form or fashion and these are just the basics. It is important to know this kind of information, because if you're like me, Mom is not always going to be able to give the answers. So take the time to learn it. Not all at once, just piece by piece.
3. Taxes
This is a hot mess I'm trying to figure out myself. All I can tell you is that if you work and have had to fill out a W-9, you might want to look into tax returns. It can be the difference between eating Ramen or Chipotle come spring semester!
4.Building Credit
When it comes to credit, most people my age fear and run the other way, or you can see this as the gate to the ultimate TREAT YO SELF!
WRONG! Credit is something that you have to be responsible with. It is the one thing that can help you stay afloat in the adult world. Trust me, I know. So if you get or have a credit card make sure to treat it with care. That means use it for emergencies and only put on it what you can pay off. So just because those boot and those jeans look good together, if you can't pay for it in cash then put it down. Seriously. Put it down.
Let me be the first to tell you that I'm not a guru, a specialist, or the all knowing of adulting; I'm just a sophomore in college who has learned a few things that I see some of my friends don't know. So from one "semi" adult to another, get informed and be proactive. Don't wait until it's too late!