Whatever your college experience might be, you know you can't even look back at it without thinking about the roommates who made your college experience a college experience to remember.
It's the little things they do, that are actually the biggest gestures, which we forget to thank them about.
1. Letting me disrupt your sleep when I come in late on a Tuesday night, even though you have to be up at 8:30 AM.
2. Not getting mad at me when my room is messy.
3. For tolerating my stuff being left everywhere
4. Thanks for being nice even when I'm being dumb
5. For holding my hair back when I throw up.
6. For carrying me home when I black out.
7. Thanks for not judging me when I cry.
8. Thanks for always wishing me luck before my exams.
9. Thanks for baking me a cake on my birthday.
10. For helping me with that class I struggle in.
11. Thanks for making sure I was up for class every day.
12. For cleaning the room/bathroom even though I never do.
13. Thanks for opening up to me about your personal life.
14. And listening to me talk about mine.
15. Thanks for not judging me and accepting my weird habits (because you know I have a lot.)
16. For talking me through that time I was homesick.
17. Taking that shot with me so I wouldn’t take it alone.
18. Bringing my calculator/textbook/phone charger etc. to me when I forget it.
19. For locating me when I got lost after drinking too much.
20. For hanging out and watching movies with me
21. Thanks for being the person I could text about anything.
22. For being one of my first friends of campus.
23. Thanks for cleaning all the hairballs you find everywhere
24. The countless amounts of time you call my phone whenever I lose it in the room.
25. Thanks for drinking with me on a Monday so it didn’t feel like alcoholism.
26. Thanks for celebrating the big accomplishments as well as the small ones (even if the small one was just going to class).
27. For being my food shopping buddy.
28. For being okay with the fact that "lets cook dinner together" mostly means I watch you cook dinner for the both of us
29. Thanks for not letting me text that boy, or at least trying to stop me.
30. Thanks for picking me up off the floor and putting me in a bed.
31. For always being down to get food
32. Thanks for listening to me talk for hours about that one boy, even though I know it got annoying
33. Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes
34. Thanks for not judging me when I ate the whole carton of ice cream.
35. Also thanks for joining me so I wasn’t alone.
36. Thanks for going to the gym with me and motivating me
37. For never letting me feel like the third wheel
38. Thanks for not getting mad when I was really loud in the morning.
39. Thanks for coordinating Halloween costumes that year.
40. For helping me locate all my items
41. Thanks for not getting mad that time I puked on you.
42. Thanks for stealing things for me from places
43. Thanks for hating the same people as me
44. Helping me figure out what to wear.
45. Acting as my mom away from home.
46. Being the sister I never had.
47. Taking care of me when I’m sick.
48. Leaving cute encouraging notes.
49. Going with me to that awful party, even when the only reason we went was to be by the boy I was "in love with."
50. Giving me someone to snuggle with when i'm upset
51. Hitting the send on messages I'm too scared to send
52. Pregaming before the pregame we showed up drunk for.
53. Wine nights
54. Remembering the things I forgot during my blackout
55. Helping figure out my schedule when picking classes.
56. Being my best friend.
57. For making college so far the best experience of my life.