Social media enables you to do so many things that were never possible before. One of these things is finding your college roommate. Sound a little sketchy? Maybe, but if you ask me it's a lot less risky than going random.
If you, too, found your college roommate on Facebook, you'll definitely understand these 11 things.
1. You felt like you were online dating.
Julia Waterbury
You judged hundreds of different people based on a bio and their Facebook page and messaged all of your potential matches to determine if they were "the one" for you. It doesn't get much closer to online dating than that.
2. You had your room coordinated before you moved in.
Julia Waterbury
You had plenty of time to make sure your comforters didn't clash and to decide which rug would tie the whole room together. And, of course, you consulted each other before each purchase.
3. You planned all the fun things you were going to do as soon as you moved in.
Julia Waterbury
Decorating your room, shopping, exploring campus, more shopping...
4. You had an instant friend.
Julia Waterbury
One of the best parts of choosing your roommate ahead of time was that you knew you'd have a friend to start college with! You didn't have to worry about making that first awkward trip to the dining hall alone or looking like a total loser at all the mandatory welcome week events.
5. You stalked all of her social media all the way back to 2011.
Julia Waterbury
All those embarrassing selfies from eighth grade? Yup, you saw them. You could also probably name half of her high school friends before she ever even mentioned them.
6. You didn't have to stress about living with someone who only showers every other week.
Julia Waterbury
Or someone who stays up all night and sleeps all day, or who never does their laundry... the list goes on.
7. You tried to schedule classes together.
Julia Waterbury
Because living in the same room that's the size of a shoe box isn't enough, right?
8. You knew just about every fact about her before you even met her.
Julia Waterbury
Favorite music? Check. Favorite TV show? Check. Bedtime? Yup, that too. Not only did you ascertain a large amount of information from stalking her social media, but you also asked each other just about every question in the book before deciding whether or not you two would be a good match.
9. When you asked if she wanted to live together you felt like you were proposing.
Julia Waterbury
Sweaty palms, the fear of rejection, wondering what you'd do if she said no... Yup, those are all symptoms of the roommate-posal. (Fortunately for you, though, she did say yes.)
10. You celebrate your friendversary on the day you became Facebook friends.
Julia Waterbury
It was a very important day, after all! You may even revisit the first messages you and your roommate exchanged and laugh about how awkward you were.
11. You can't imagine what life would be like if you hadn't found each other on Facebook.
Julia Waterbury
What did people do before the Internet??? But seriously, you can't imagine how you would have survived with someone else as a roommate and are so thankful that Facebook brought you together.
The haters are gonna hate, but if you found your roommate on Facebook you know just how good of an idea it was. Here's to all the memories you've made and the many more to come!