This past summer I had an internship for the Trenton Thunder (AA Minor League Team for the New York Yankees). In September I went over to the Registrar's Office at my school to make sure I received the proper credits. The woman in the office told me that I could not receive the credits because they did not receive the paperwork in time and that I had went out of class order before requesting my credits.
It was at this point that I simultaneously lost my mind and realized how much of a genuine rip off and scam the current college system is.
This representative told me that she could not give me credit because I hadn't followed proper protocol. At this point I went off on the poor lady. "Do you even know what college is? I'm paying you to give me a piece of paper in four years! You guys make up the rules here, the school makes the rules, so the school can bend the rules!"
Put simply, college has become an extension of high school. Basically, kids have to go to 16th grade now. Everyone goes to college because they need a degree to be competitive in the job market. However, using the principles of the Free Market, since the number of college degrees has gone up exponentially, their value has been on a steady decline. I don't think that you need to be an economist to see that a clear bubble has been created.
Remember 2008? When you had every day average people buying mansions they couldn't afford because society told them they could?
Alright to be fair if you're reading this article you probably didn't have a mortgage in 2008 but you can follow my point.
When an entire population puts their trust in a limited resource or object, they're doomed the demand cannot be meant. The same thing is going to happen to college degrees. In fact, it already has happened and private (and public) colleges are simply printing the the pieces of paper (degrees) that society tells us we need, for the convenient low price of $50,000 a year.
I don't mean to offend anyone (although I hope I do) when I say that there are way too many people in college who simply have no business being there. I can't tell you how many times I've had to evacuate my dorm because some dingus set off the fire alarm because they didn't think water was necessary when microwaving ramen.
I'm sorry, but if you have trouble making a cup of ramen then you have no business being in an institution of higher learning.